My friends would describe me as, "That one loud, black-but-whitewashed, easy-to-get-along-with, free-spirited chick who is always looking for a good time!" I'd hardly consider myself to be whitewashed... No, I am just not willing to conform to the foolishness of today, but thanks for caring

Music is my form of marijuana - it keeps me feeling high, calm, full of fun, and often makes me hungry...? Hmmm... Anywho, I have a freakishly broad taste in music, as it varies depending on the mood.
In terms of preferences, I have a few - some mandatory, some not. I am very much attracted to Caucasians, but that does not rule the rest of the races out... I need a tall man. This is the only thing that I am currently not willing to budge on, so if you are my height or taller, you can consider yourself safe for this round. I lied. Another thing I am unwilling to budge on is a sense of humor. I laugh at everything... EVERYTHING. If you cannot crack a smile once in a while, prepare to filed away in the file cabinet of shame.
Can I please add that I am more inclined to evacuate two hefty bowels than listen to how much you lift, how often you run, and how you can make your pecks dance? No, I would not like two tickets to the gun show, so if that was where you are planning on taking me (if you are lucky enough to meet me), let's just shut that down now, shall we?
With all that being said, if you are interested (and fit the description), I think you should contact me

AIM - automaniiac
YAHOO - imthesecs