Now I live in HARLEM, NYC. I graduated NYU's Stern School of Business with a degree in Marketing and International Business. I was a four year member of the NYU Women's Track and Field Team and hold five individual records and am a member of two record holding relay teams... I still run for Nike Central Park Track Club...
I'm a DORK, I have insomnia, I'm a SWEETHEART, I'm LOUD, OBNOXIOUS, I love to DANCE (with or without music), I love to SING, I LOVE the New York GIANTS I HATE people who LIE, I'll do ANYTHING for a FRIEND, I'm TENACIOUS, I LOVE SPORTS (playing and watching), I LOVE BEIRUT, I wear my HEART ON MY SLEEVE, I LOVE MUSIC (all types), I'm way too FORGIVING, I LOVE LIFE, I LOVE my FAMILY, I'm very EASY GOING, I LOVE KFC CHICKEN BOWLS( I know perpetuating the stereotype... whatever), I SNORT when I LAUGH... and I always use the word AMAZINGGGGGGGGG
I'm looking for someone very easy going, athletic, smart, and fun loving. O and you MUST like football, (hopefully the Giants...