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Finding a decent black man.

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June 9, 2009
Posts: 2

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So. I am an 18 yr old white female. And all my life i have liked black men. I've dated one. I also have morals and values. I believe in waiting for the right one. I am a virgin. And i believe in true love and relationships. And i know i am young. But you have to admit a girl like me is hard to find. But i seem to have this problem with meeting a good black man. Every guy i seem to come across is just looking for s--. Or isn`t even interested in me because im not ur "typical" white girl that likes black men who just wants the d---. Not saying thats how all white women are. But there are a lot of black men that just want a white women to sleep with. And you also have to admit there are a lot of white women who make the rest of us good white women look bad, Because they want a black man but only se---lly. I don`t know why i can`t find a good black man that actually wants a relationship. Idk what im doing wrong. I feel like giving up. Black men are what i am attracted to they are my preference. and i dont see me with any man of any other race. So if i can`t find a black man i'm pretty much going to be alone. I never knew finding a man of my liking would be so damn hard.

Are there actually black man out there that want a relationship with a decent good hearted women?
And how in the world does good hearted white women find a good black man?

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June 30, 2008
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`I think i am a good black man, i and i am looking for a white woman you seem like the type i am looking for.

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October 16, 2009
Posts: 69

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`welcome to the club,steffccakes

black womens been sang that song since the beginning of time. first let me say that not all blk mens are like that, but most of them are.ive been around blk men all my life..i have uncles and a brother who are blk,been with a couple of them seen and heard everthing that they do. blk men are so disrespectful,lairs,inrresponsible ppl.who cant seem keep themself out of trouble.they are raisen by their mother(who tried her best,with what she had by her self.blk mens will complainet from sun up to sun down about why they cant make it, 1.the white man,born black,no daddy,porverty, last but not least the blk women and so on and so on.they forgot or dont know that god gave woman to man,not the other way around. but they think that they are god's gift to women and u should be happy to have fruitful and multiply is what they live by.they will call u a B---- in a heart beat amoung other things.they will make a baby and be off making others and 9 out of 10 they wont be around for either one of them.the reason or excuses,let me count the ways..1. it aint mines well maybe? im in jail or going, u have another baby daddy let him do it.i have other babies to take care of and on and on.they will eat,sleep off u, their mothers,aunts and any one that they can find and seem at a young age they learn that that are in short supply and they use that to their advantage.yes,blk womens are part to blame,because we put up with their crap,enable them or refuse,cant or wont stop them in their bad ways.the reason/excuse ..we dont have much to chose from, dont wont to be alone,thats my baby daddy or because i love him.yes! im talking about,critize or whatever u want to call it,which is the truth. i know as a blk woman im suppose to be the last person to speak against them. but thats the promblem,we dont talk or admit that there is one let alone let the rest of the world sure that there are plenty of blk mens ready to argue at me about this.but the facts speak for themself, the blk community,and the single blk mothers,aunts,grammothers who do the jobs that blk mens cant or wont. as i heard many blk mens daddy wasnt there for me,how can i do or be something that ive never had.i luv my blk mens,brothers,neighbor and so on but the fact remain on ebony,essence and where to find a good,straight,employ,family man.thats the ghost that we have been chase for so long.steffcakes,your only 18yrs old and your already want to give thats funny or maybe your smart. whether, you are with a blk/white man or whoever dont give up on love and never put your hopes and dreams on any man blk or white. maybe this is the in thing..datin or have a blk men but dont limit yourself to them..there alot of mens out them of different color,culture and personality.why wont u give them a chance..until if or when that good blk man comes alone;)

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Posted:     Post subject: Re: Finding a decent black man.

steffycakes wrote: So. I am an 18 yr old white female. And all my life i have liked black men. I've dated one. I also have morals and values. I believe in waiting for the right one. I am a virgin. And i believe in true love and relationships. And i know i am young. But you have to admit a girl like me is hard to find. But i seem to have this problem with meeting a good black man. Every guy i seem to come across is just looking for s--. Or isn`t even interested in me because im not ur "typical" white girl that likes black men who just wants the d*ck. Not saying thats how all white women are. But there are a lot of black men that just want a white women to sleep with. And you also have to admit there are a lot of white women who make the rest of us good white women look bad, Because they want a black man but only se---lly. I don`t know why i can`t find a good black man that actually wants a relationship. Idk what im doing wrong. I feel like giving up. Black men are what i am attracted to they are my preference. and i dont see me with any man of any other race. So if i can`t find a black man i'm pretty much going to be alone. I never knew finding a man of my liking would be so damn hard.

Are there actually black man out there that want a relationship with a decent good hearted women?
And how in the world does good hearted white women find a good black man?

i say whatever turns u on we have a lot of people out here i call them the chosen could care less what people say they just want to be happy really who nas time with the wars and murders people getting laid off the white house dramas i say race should be the least of our worry
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Posted:     Post subject:

chrissss1 wrote: let me be the first to say, all black men arent alike, you have a lot of black men that are virgins just like and you have lots of female that are virgins way into their 20s. people are always going to be humans first.

now to answer your question. you just need to find another a virgin like yourself or just accept that the one your with just might not want to wait for you , you being so young and your partner might be se---lly active and young like yourself. thats going to be hard to ask someone to wait for you until you decide. you have to understand that S-- will play a big part i in a relationship at that young age. so if your not fu@king is going to be hard. dont turn your back on black men in general, because your choose to not be in the norm. thats your decision. now a young guy can come along and just lie to you and say he's a virgin too, but be f@cking on the side and keeping it from you. and you will think hes the world to you, he waited for you and what you guys have is special. ( what you dont know waont hurt ya. i think thats the saying.

good luck

guote me on this one every man cannot be a tiger woods but they sure as hell try and that is all
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