What type of interesting qualities I would like to for my girl. I'll be happy with anybody that thinks i am interesting from reading my profile. I like my woman to be very true to herself and I will love for us to have amazing date. Even if we do not end up in a relationship, we should at least greatly enjoy ourselves.
My main goal is to finish college, and get a degree in Film Production so I can have an opportunity to make over 80k a year.
Also, I enjoy films to different genres - including horror, thriller, and adventure/action. A friend of mine who helped me explore into the fascinating franchise "Children of the Corn". Aren't friends great? The other film titles I enjoy are; Harry Potter, Saw (all), Cloverfield, Paranormal Activity (Part 1 and 2), and oddly enough I enjoy The Mortal Kombat Legacy. Haha.
My most favorite film happens to be The Professional.
I work very heavily and almost always on my most prized program, Sony Vegas. I create videos on this program in my spare time, and I upload them onto Youtube.
This has been my hobby for the past 4-5 years now.
My Youtube account has over 10 million views since it was created
2007, and it has over 5 thousand subscribers. To me, this is a great achievement.

My other activities include jogging around my neighborhood in
Phoenix, Arizona three times a week. This helps me keep in
shape, active, and healthy - which is important for anyone's
I will admit, I really enjoy Mexican style food. You can say I am Enchilada-Lover. Haha.