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Can you stand the rain?

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February 6, 2011
Posts: 3

PostPosted:     Post subject: Can you stand the rain?
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Some people enter the world of interracial dating with the preconceived idea that its going to be a walk through a colorful park. Then there are some that are on constant defense because of all of the horror stories with racism. The truth of the matter is that while racism is not dead maintaining a secure interracial relationship is achievable. Being a beautiful African American woman I have been faced several times with the question.... Y'all know the question I am talking about.... Will I date outside of my race? And the answer is yes! And the normal response is- Why? Don't you want a strong black man? Well to be quit truthful I wan a man period that will be a man and treat me like the queen I know that I am! I don't see color! I've heard some say that's a curse I say its a gift! I dislike the continual suggestion that I should stick to my race! To be honest I have dated primarily AA(African American) men and I want to try something new! Will there be people opposing? Yes but as a child of God I have been taught (and still learning) how to weather the storm! The question remains- Can you stand the rain? Although finding a soul mate at this point is not #1 on my agenda meeting friends is on the list. I have developed a "Only God can judge me so I don't care what people say" attitude so I don't seek affirmation of confirmation to live life or to be me! Again like minded friends would be great! Whatever or whoever makes you happy is what you need to be focused on and not the opinions of the world!
Just sharing my thoughts to whoever is willing to read!
God bless!

MeMe the Fox!!!!
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Posted:     Post subject:

`I have dated ladies of all races since 1972, and have been the subject of discrimination from all races. Bravavisima to meme28 for standing up for love, no matter who says what. I have done so for many years. The body is merely the transportation for a warm loving heart, and spirit, and that is what I see.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`To the author, Great post! Although I am not religious, being open minded in life is so much more exciting. I have dated white, black and Asian. No one is better than another, it's preference. I will say this,, at my age of being in the hurt, divorced, jaded arena I prefer and seek black to multi-ethnic woman.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`Well everybody has a preference and for ME my attraction has ALWAYS towards white men, I've never EVER dated or been intimate with a black man. Now am I attracted to EVERY white man I come in contact with? NOPE! Because ALL white men are not attractive to me, it's more of how they're personality is and how they carry themselves as MEN. I've had equal shares of bad experiences with white men as well as good experiences BUT I can't let that keep me from being with one who'll love me and appreciate me for ME. No matter who's staring or giving them the "evil eye" when out on a date with me.

Though it DOES get more and more scary every time I step out and try, LOL!
I'll keep the faith any way ;-)

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