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Posted:     Post subject: SO SHE MAKES THE MONEY

So I love to read books and articles on relationships...and I came across one that I thought was very interesting...with regards to infidelity...between couples where the woman/man makes more money than their mate....I never thought that this could be a factor between couples when they decided to go outside of the relationship....and yes it does happen in interracial relationships as well, but it's more than a possibility. It is a fact...when she/he makes the money...the percentage of men cheating on their women increase by at least 2-3% more than when the male makes the money and visa now I would like to share some data with you...and then I'd like to hear your take on this subject.

A new study finds that men are more likely to cheat if their income is much lower than what their wife or female partner makes, while women are more likely to fool around if they make more than their husband or male partner.
The findings suggest that disparities in money making play a significant role in infidelity, at least among the young couples they studied.

"With women, they were less likely to engage in infidelity the less money they make relative to their husband," said study author Christen Munsch.
"But for men, the less money you make relative to your spouse, the more likely you are to engage in infidelity."

Munsch, a graduate student at Cornell University, said she came up with the idea of studying the effects of income on infidelity after hearing from a friend who has cheated on his partner. He told Munsch that "she made all the money, she had all the friends, and he'd moved up there to be with her. He felt completely powerless." btw interracial couple.

So this fact or fiction? Are you somehow threatened when you women makes more money than you? Are you confident in your relationship so much so that you don't feel the need to compete with your significant other?

Ladies what's your take on this subject? Have you been in a relationship where you made more than your better half? Did it put a strain on the relationship? Did you feel that there was some infidelity issues because you made the money? What did you do to cope with the situation?.

Interracial relationships can be challenging at best, particularly with the "nay sayers" in your think that factoring in the above subject matter too can also cause more this be a storm that can easily be weathered? Let me hear from you. :


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